Feb. 7, 2025, 10:56 a.m.
Hempnall FC Privacy Policy
In line with Norfolk County FA (policy attached), Hempnall FC is adopting a Privacy Policy in relation to personal details held.
Hempnall FC (‘the Club’) asks only for personal information in relation to that required to complete a registration form that satisfies Norfolk FA requirements for seasonal registration to play football for the Club.
This information includes:
Name, date of birth, and if required, gender.
Contact information such as home address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
We may also hold some health data or other special category data for the well-being and welfare (and where necessary, safeguarding) information. Where we hold this data, the person is fully aware of our need to hold it.
The Hempnall Football Club Secretary, Trevor Shurmer, and our team managers, may hold this information which is inserted by the individual on the mandatory Norfolk FA Central Adult Player Registration Form.
Registration forms are completed prior to each season, and it is Hempnall FC policy to destroy personal information (vis a vis registration forms) from previous seasons.
Any personal information is not given to anybody outside the Club, it is held centrally by the Club Secretary and only telephone numbers of the individual will be released by the Secretary if there is determined by him to be a genuine need.