March 9, 2025, 2:07 a.m.

Our current team managers

Team Management

  • Tom Radford, Reserve team manager Tom Radford Reserve team manager

    Reserve team manager 2021-2022 and Sponsorship Manager. Tom has worked hard since returning to the club, both developing the Reserves, and taking on our Sponsorship management.

  • Aaron Bunn, Joint First Team Manager Aaron Bunn Joint First Team Manager

    Bunno as he is known played in goal for Hempnall FC a number of seasons ago, and always kept connections despite leaving the club to manage elsewhere. He returned in 2017 to jointly manage the first team with Jason Trett.

    He also kindly sponsors the first team kit for the seasons 2018-2020.

  • Tristran Docherty, Temporarily stepped back Tristran Docherty Temporarily stepped back

    Tristran has been with the club for a number of seasons, playing both first and reserves team football. He, along with James Bennett, set uo our Sunday team for the season 2021-2022, but has reluctantly had to step back temporarily due to business and family commitments. Tris still supports us where and when he can.

  • Jamie Bennett, Joint Sunday team manager Jamie Bennett Joint Sunday team manager

    After his dad, James, had to step back for personal reasons, for the 2022-2023 season, Jamie took on the role with Dean Mortimer. We wish them every success.

  • Dean Mortimer, Joint Sunday team manager Dean Mortimer Joint Sunday team manager

    Dean has been connected with Hempnall Football Club since he was a boy, but stepped into a higher standard of football, but retained his connection with us. He returned playing Sunday football last year, and alsongside Jamie Bennett, has taken on the role of joint manager whilst Tris Docherty has had to step back. 

    Always a team player, we welcome Dean into the management team.